Different type of septic tank diversion valves 

There are different types of septic tank diversion valves available.
Some examples include:
  • Septic D-box splitters or flow diverters or flow control valves

  • Flow director valve tee that can split effluent 50/50 or direct it to one side or the other

  • Three-way diverter valves that are recommended for greywater systems Ball type valves that can be used to divert flow It is important to note that the design and size of a septic system can vary widely depending on factors such as household size, soil type, site slope, lot size, and local regulations


Maintaining your septic tank is important for several reasons. A well-maintained septic system can remove pollutants and prevent groundwater contamination, which can spread disease in humans and animals. Regular inspection and pumping of the septic tank is recommended, with the average household septic system needing to be inspected at least every three years. 

Keeping the septic tank lids closed and secured, being water-wise, and limiting the use of a garbage disposal can also help maintain the septic system.

Neglecting to maintain your septic tank can lead to costly repairs and potential health hazards.

Signs to be aware of:

There are several signs that a septic tank needs to be pumped. Gurgling sounds whenever you flush the toilet or pour water down the drain, slow drainage, sewage backup, foul odor, and overflow are some of the common signs that indicate the need for septic tank pumping. 

If the area around the septic system appears overly green or lush, it could also indicate that the septic system is leaking or needs to be emptied.

It is important to address these signs promptly to prevent costly failures such as a clogged drain field or sewage backing up into the home.

How septic systems work

A septic system is a wastewater treatment system that is commonly used in areas without access to a centralized sewer system. The system consists of a septic tank and a drainfield. All wastewater from the house flows into the septic tank, where heavy solids settle to the bottom and lighter solids, such as grease, oils, and fats, rise to the top to form a scum layer. Bacterial action produces digested sludge and gases. The liquid, known as effluent, is discharged from the septic tank into a series of perforated pipes buried in a leach field, where it is absorbed into the soil. The soil acts as a natural filter, removing harmful bacteria and other contaminants from the effluent before it enters the groundwater.

Importance of getting septic inspection when buying house

When buying a house with a septic system, it is important to have a septic inspection to assess the overall condition of the system. 

Septic inspections are crucial for the health of anyone living in the home, and homeowners should schedule them regularly.

Septic systems need to be regularly inspected and maintained to avoid problems, and inspectors need to check for pipe integrity, proper ventilation, and other factors.

It is recommended to get a septic system inspection every three years.

It’s important to get the septic system inspected before buying a home because a malfunctioning septic system could be a costly and time-consuming problem to fix. An inspection can reveal any issues with the septic system, allowing you to negotiate a better price for the property or plan for necessary repairs. Additionally, if a septic system fails shortly after a home purchase, the new homeowner could be responsible for expensive repairs. By having an inspection beforehand, the potential buyer can make an informed decision about the property and avoid unexpected expenses down the line.

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