Dos and don'ts


  • Pump your septic tank regularly:
    Regular septic tank pumping is essential to prevent solids from accumulating and blocking the drain field. The frequency depends on the size of the tank and the number of people living in the house. As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended to pump your septic tank every three to five years.

  • Conserve water: The less water you use, the less you will need to pump your septic tank, and the longer it will last. Fix any leaks in your home, install low-flow showerheads, and avoid using large amounts of water all at once, such as doing laundry or taking long showers.

  • Use septic-safe products: Choose household cleaners, detergents, and other household products that are labeled as septic-safe. Harsh chemicals and antibacterial agents can kill the beneficial bacteria in your septic system and cause problems.

  •  Be mindful of what you flush: Avoid flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper. Don’t dispose of cooking oil, feminine products, medications, or any other non-degradable items down the toilet.


  • Don’t use a garbage disposal: Garbage disposals can cause fats, oils, and grease to accumulate in the septic system, leading to clogs and backups. Instead, compost food scraps or dispose of them in the trash.

  • Don’t park or drive over the septic system: Driving or parking over the septic system can damage the pipes and cause the soil to become compacted, reducing absorption and treatment. Be sure to know the location of your septic tank and avoid parking, driving or building anything over it.

  • Don’t ignore warning signs: If you observe any warning signs such as slow drainage, sewage backup, or foul odors, it may be an indication that your septic tank needs professional attention. Ignore warning signs and you run the risk of turning a minor problem into a costly and hazardous one.


In conclusion, maintaining your septic tank is essential to keep your plumbing system functioning properly and preventing costly repairs in the future. Remember to pump your septic tank regularly, conserve water, use septic-safe products, and be mindful of what you flush. Avoid a garbage disposal, parking or driving over the septic system, and ignore warning signs. By following these simple tips, you can avoid septic system failures and prolong the life of your septic system.

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